My research interests are in machine learning and artificial intelligence. I'm broadly interested in building compute and data-efficient models and frameworks. My background is in math and computer systems.
Research Engineer
Facebook AI Research
Current: I'm a Research Engineer at Facebook AI Research (FAIR), where I built Flashlight, a high-performance, standalone library for machine learning, which emerged from wav2letter, a research framework for automatic speech recognition.
You can find my Facebook Research page here, my Facebook AI page here, and my publications below.
I graduated from the M&T Program at the University of Pennsylvania in 2018, where I was advised by and worked under Boon Thau Loo, CJ Taylor, and Dan Roth. While at Penn, I was one of the directors of PennApps. I graduated with the following degrees:
- Masters of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.) in Computer and Information Science
- Bachelors of Science (B.S.) in Economics from The Wharton School
- Bachelors of Science in Engineering (B.S.E) in Computer and Information Science
I've TA'ed many core undergraduate and graduate computer science courses at Penn.
(*) head teaching assistant | (^) graduate course.
- CIS 320: Algorithms*
(Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018)
Combinatorial optimization, sorting, hashing, graphs, complexity theory.
- CIS 505: Distributed Systems^
(Spring 2018)
Synchronization, communication, replication. Project-based, in C++.
- CIS 550: Database and Information Systems^
(Spring 2017)
Structured data, modeling, architecture, and distributed processing.
- CIS 548: Operating Systems*^
(Spring 2018)
Concurrency, resource management, virtual memory, file systems, virtual machines.
- CIS 240: Introduction to Computer Architecture
(Fall 2015, Fall 2016)
Hardware structures, organization, machine language, C.
- CIS 700: Computer Systems^
(Spring 2017)
Experimental course in advanced topics in operating systems.
- CIT 593: Introduction to Computer Systems^
(Fall 2016)
Digital logic and circuits, von Neumann architecture, ISAs, C.
- CIS 380: Operating Systems
(Fall 2017)
Introductory operating system design and implementation. Project-based, in C.
Selected Publications
Robust wav2vec 2.0: Analyzing Domain Shift in Self-Supervised Pre-Training
Interspeech 2021
Libri-Light: A Benchmark for ASR with Limited or No Supervision
(*) Equal contribution.
MultiplayAR: Multiplayer Augmented Reality
Thesis | Penn Engineering
We develop new and leverage modern computer vision algorithms to build a Unity framework to enable ARKit developers to incorporate multiplayer views into their augmented reality applications. Selected as one of the top three theses in Computer Science. Advised by Prof. CJ Taylor.
Relative Performance of [Un]structured Classifiers for Synthetic Prediction
CIS 700: ML for NLP